The Herman Miller Summer Picnic Series: Steve Frykholm’s 40 Years of Innovative Poster Design

All of us here at The Ross Art Group are thrilled to announce our recent acquisition of the Herman Miller Summer Picnic series by celebrated graphic designer, Steve Frykholm.
This exciting group of Original Vintage Posters were produced for the Herman Miller Furniture Company to announce their annual corporate picnic. This event has been promoted every year since 1970 with a unique poster created by the company’s chief graphic designer, Steve Frykholm. These posters have a wonderful graphic and Pop Art nature, and many are part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art.
The Herman Miller Furniture Company is based in Holland, Michigan and is emblematic of American modern furniture design. The company is famous for producing many important designers over its 100 year history, including the famous Ray and Charles Eames. Another important American designer to come under the tutelage of Herman Miller is their lead graphic designer, Steve Frykholm.
Frykholm to many is one of the more important working graphic designers in the United States of America. You can read a little bit more about his work in this wonderful bio by AIGA, and by viewing the video below:
If you are interested in obtaining an important piece of American graphic design, we invite you to view our comprehensive selection of works by Frykholm for the Herman Miller Summer Picnics throughout the years. Check out what's in stock here: